Audience Spotlight: My Unexpected Connection With the Minnesota Orchestra

By audience member David Steinmeyer

David SteinmeyerOn a pleasant evening in the spring of 1983, I attended a performance by the Minnesota Orchestra at the College of St. Catherine. On the program was the Armenian Suite by Armenian-American composer Richard Yardumian. I had never heard it before, and I didn't know what to expect, but as the Orchestra performed it, I was completely captivated. The audience applause was vigorous, and I felt the strong desire to shout out "Play it again!" But logic prevailed and I kept my peace. At the third appearance of the conductor, onto the stage came the composer himself, Richard Yardumian! This was almost more than my heart could bear.

The next day I was on the phone to the record shops trying to find a recording of that piece, but to no avail. I then called the Minnesota Orchestra and explained my situation, and a helpful person suggested that I talk with the composer's daughter, Miryam, who was on the staff of the Orchestra. "What? Can this be?" I thought. Well, it was true, and Miryam passed my request on to her father.

A couple weeks later in the mail I received an LP recording of the Armenian Suite, with an autographed greeting from the composer and a short note from his wife. I asked Miryam if I might pay her father for the recording, but she said that no, it was a gift. I felt strongly that I must somehow reciprocate, so being an amateur photographer I made an enlargement of a nature photo, A Grasshopper at the End of Summer, and sent it to him in a handmade redwood frame. On the back I wrote: "The same God who made the universe, and you and me, also made the grasshopper."

Richard responded immediately with a very generous letter, which included some deep philosophical thoughts, indicating a superior intellect. He said he hoped we might get together someday soon for what he called "a discussion of truth," but two years later he was dead. Now, decades later, I continue to be grateful for my contact with this creative genius, and I still love to hear the Armenian Suite. Thus began my strong connection with the Minnesota Orchestra, which is now like family to me.

David Steinmeyer is a subscriber, Laureate Society member and donor, as well as an amateur luthier and a clarinetist. The photo at top shows David and his wife Gwendolyn Steinmeyer.